SimulationResultsEnrichmentRates {rpact}R Documentation

Class for Simulation Results Enrichment Rates


A class for simulation results rates in enrichment designs.


Use getSimulationEnrichmentRates() to create an object of this type.



The number of simulation iterations. Is a numeric vector of length 1 containing a whole number.


The seed used for random number generation. Is a numeric vector of length 1.


The planned allocation ratio (n1 / n2) for the groups. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. Is a positive numeric vector of length 1.


The conditional power at each stage of the trial. Is a numeric vector of length 1 containing a value between 0 and 1.


The number of iterations used for simulations. Is a numeric vector of length 1 containing a whole number.


The per-stage probabilities of stopping the trial for futility. Is a numeric matrix.


In simulation results data set: indicates whether trial is stopped for futility or not.


Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing. Default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values. Is a logical vector of length 1.


Determines the number of cumulated (overall) subjects when the interim stages are planned. For two treatment arms, is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, refers to the number of subjects per selected active arm. Is a numeric vector of length kMax containing whole numbers.


Determines the minimum number of subjects per stage for data-driven sample size recalculation. For two treatment arms, is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, is the minimum number of subjects per selected active arm. Is a numeric vector of length kMax containing whole numbers.


Determines the maximum number of subjects per stage for data-driven sample size recalculation. For two treatment arms, is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, is the minimum number of subjects per selected active arm. Is a numeric vector of length kMax containing whole numbers.


An optional function that can be entered to define how sample size is recalculated. By default, recalculation is performed with conditional power with specified minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage.


The expected number of subjects under specified alternative.


The number of populations in an enrichment design. Is a numeric vector of length 1 containing a whole number.


The list of subsets, prevalences and effect sizes with columns and number of rows reflecting the different situations to be considered.


The multiple test used for intersection hypotheses in closed systems of hypotheses. Is a character vector of length 1.


For enrichment designs, typically a stratified analysis should be chosen. When testing means and rates, a non-stratified analysis can be performed on overall data. For survival data, only a stratified analysis is possible. Is a logical vector of length 1.


Indicates whether or not an adaptation takes place at interim k. Is a logical vector of length kMax minus 1.


The assumed probabilities in the active arm under which the sample size recalculation was performed and the conditional power was calculated.


The assumed probability in the reference group, for which the conditional power was calculated. Is a numeric vector of length 1 containing a value between 0 and 1.


The way the treatment arms or populations are selected at interim. Is a character vector of length 1.


Criterion for treatment arm/population selection, either based on test statistic ("testStatistic") or effect estimate ("effectEstimate"). Is a character vector of length 1.


Defines when the study is stopped for efficacy at interim. "all" stops the trial if the efficacy criterion has been fulfilled for all selected treatment arms/populations, "atLeastOne" stops if at least one of the selected treatment arms/populations is shown to be superior to control at interim. Is a character vector of length 1.


Needs to be specified if typeOfSelection = "epsilon". Is a numeric vector of length 1.


Needs to be specified if typeOfSelection = "rBest". Is a numeric vector of length 1.


The selection criterion: treatment arm/population is only selected if effectMeasure exceeds threshold. Either a single numeric value or a numeric vector of length activeArms referring to a separate threshold condition for each treatment arm.


An optional function that can be entered to define the way of how populations are selected.


The probability to stopping the trial either for efficacy or futility. Is a numeric vector.


The selected populations in enrichment designs.


The number of populations in an enrichment design. Is a numeric matrix.


The probability to reject at least one of the (multiple) hypotheses. Is a numeric vector.


The simulated number of rejected populations per stage.


The simulated success probabilities per stage where success is defined by user. Is a numeric matrix.


The sample sizes for each group and stage. Is a numeric vector of length number of stages times number of groups containing whole numbers.


The calculated conditional power, under the assumption of observed or assumed effect sizes. Is a numeric matrix.

[Package rpact version 4.1.0 Index]